The Powerful effect of the sound of nature on human health

Giota Eftaxia, Musician and Ethnomusicologist (NKUA) in Athens - Greece
01 November 2021

''The rhythms of nature-the sounds of wind and water, the sounds of birds and insects-must inevitably find their analogues in music''. G. Crumb


Imagine that after a tiring and stressful day, you find yourself in a peaceful and beautiful natural environment. All you hear there is the lovely bird's song, the rustling of the leaves and the sound of the stream. How do you feel?

The beneficial effects of nature sounds on human health have been known since ancient times. Ancient Greeks loved nature and this is evident in their mythology. Ancient greek myths and nature are inherently connected, proving that God, human beings and Mother Nature form an inseparable unity. Therefore nature is a source of life and this source has its own unique sound. But, how does this sound benefit human's health?

When the music of nature and the musical notes become one

The basic elements of music are sound and rhythm, which are also found in nature. If you are wondering how this happens, it's simple. In nature the sounds are the animal's voice, such as the bird's song or the peaceful sound of lake water. On the other hand, everything in nature is a rhythm. The rain, for example, has its own rhythm. Rhythm is also hidden in the ocean waves or even in the sunrise and the sunset. Moreover, the rhythm of music is also reflected in the planet's movement and the cycle of the seasons. As a conclusion, it's understood that nature and music are one and nature influences music. Τhe majesty of nature has inspired many composers from different periods of classical music (including Handel, Haydn, Vivaldi, Beethoven, Schubert, Debussy etc). Especially during the period of Romanticism (1798-1837), the prevailing opinion was that nature is the mirror of soul. The fact is that in times of intense search for music, theorists and composers kept turning to nature and its sounds to find inspiration, new methods and ultimately new sounds. Many composers borrowed sound patterns from nature (insect and animal sounds, natural phenomena), which they transformed into musical forms.


On the other hand, music itself influences nature. The examples we draw from Greek mythology are very typical. According to Aeschylus and Euripides, Orpheus could even enchant the stones with his lyre and his magical voice. In general Greeks used song to tame wild animals, whilst they also associated music with the harmony of universe and even with the human body and soul. This reciprocal relationship between the harmony of universe and human appears to the Pythagorean theory that claimed that universe is governed by the highest number theory, which also exists in music. Since nature influences music, it undoubtedly influences human beings.

The natural soundtrack and its relationship to human emotions

''The earth has music for those who listen''. W. Shakespeare

Each environment includes a variety of sounds. People frequently don't fully perceive these sounds, because their attention is focused on the environment's view. Several researchers have studied the way people interpret the soundscape, as well as the effects of this interpretation on their behavior. The research results have shown that nature sounds can influence the psychological development of humans and represent the quality of their emotions. However, not all nature sounds affect the human mind the same way. This depends on the characteristics of each sound and how the listener receives it. From a biological point of view, sound is conceived by the human brain, played through his body, perceived by his sensory organs and then interpreted by his brain. Sounds, such as birds' song or the sound of running water convey a sense of security, relaxation and happiness. Furthermore, the sounds of nature affect the human brain in a special way, highlighting an experience. Thus, it is possible that a specific nature sound evokes a certain recall in the listener's mind.

Nature 2

The research and its results show that nature sounds help people to look at situations more holistically and put them in their real context. In this way, personal perspectives are broadened. Therefore, expanding man's relationship with nature and its sounds leads us to realize the unique benefits to human health and especially to mental health. Researchers have found that nature sounds work against anxiety and enhance nervous system function and human behavior. The calming effect of contact with nature and its unique sounds helps us reduce aggression and violence and contributes to the peace of mind. As a result, people's sociability is strengthened. In addition, focusing on the nature sounds helps to reduce stress, caused by the pressures of everyday life, making nature a source of mental peace. Moreover, researchers have shown in their studies that people's exposure to nature sounds improves their memory and contributes to a synchronized brain function. Last but not least, the connection with the sounds of nature improves concentration and efficiency. Consequently this connection is especially important for the healthy emotional development of human beings.

Undoubtedly, there is no better cure than nature itself. Nature is bursting with colors, life and sounds. These sounds are like a balm for the soul. Ancient Greeks believed that living close to nature offers harmony, balance and can lead to soul uplift. So, listen to the magical sound of nature and feel the happiness of life!


The rustling of leaves, the sound of rain, the sound of water flowing, the sound of waves on the beach, the song of birds...This is Mother Nature!
All these sounds are just some of the wonderful sounds of nature and a very important gift to human beings. By being in contact with these sounds, people feel a sense of serenity. So, whenever you step outside, listen carefully to the sounds of nature and let your mind and soul feel free. If you are wondering how this can happen when living in a big, noisy city, here is the solution. Visit Radio Art internet radio, explore Radio Art's channel of wonderful nature sounds and discover how easy it can be to relax and dream with gentle melodies of nature. So, sit comfortably, listen to the sounds of nature and just take a big relaxation breath!

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